Carla Garapedian receives the Armin T. Wegner Humanitarian Award 2007
HOLLYWOOD / STUDIO CITY – Carla Garapedian was the recipient of the Armin T. Wegner Humanitarian Award for her documentary film Screamers at the Arpa International Film Festival. The gala awards banquet took place at the Sheraton Universal Hotel on November 4, 2007.
The only American ever to anchor the famous BBC World News, Carla Garapedian earned her Ph.D. in international relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science before working as a producer, director and correspondent based in Britain.

Screamers is a hard-hitting film about genocides in general and the Armenian Genocide, perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire from 1915 – 1923, in particular. The Turkish government still denies that it ever happened.
The documentary features the music and live concert footage of the multi-platinum, heavy-metal rock band System of a Down, combining the personal testimony of genocide survivors and historians, the haunting images of the victims of genocide, and the heart-pounding energy and message of System of a Down’s music. The Los Angeles Times called it “Eye-opening.”

When asked the question, “Why do genocides continue in the 21st century?” Garapedian responded, “Because those who perpetrated them in the 20th century got away with it.”